- ESPN Unveils Promising Off-Season Serial – “Extreme Dentistry”
- Suddenly, stiffing the espresso waiter seemed like a really bad idea.
- Facing flagging recruitment numbers, NAMBLA resorts to coercion
- “Honestly, Mr. Johnson, I’d love to throw in the floor mats, but I’ll need to run it by the Sales Manager.”
- Tonight! On an all-new “Dancing With The Network Homicidal Maniacs!”
- Love-Struck MSNBC Reporter Snaps; Proposes To Barack Obama
- “Okay, okay, I take it back! You’re not a latent ANYTHING!”
- Reviews were mixed for “Die Hard XXVI: Live Free Or Die Among Discount Deck Furniture”
- I know they were reenacting a crime. I’m just not sure WHICH crime.
- Men’s Warehouse: You’re gonna like the way you look. Or I’ll kill you.